Saturday, November 21, 2009

Parti Mabuk Vodka (4.9.2009)

Vshan and I really hope that one day we can go clubbing together. My Muslim friends of course out of the list so only 2 of us seem not enough "high" (I'm the only chinese girl in my class). Plus I don't want to commit sin for bringing them to the club. No club but we just having a drinking session at my house which we were waiting for so long. That day I was damn sleepy because just finished one of the midterm paper but don't want disappointed Vshan so I carried on the party. Bought junk food and main character, Mr. Vodka! Both of us never drink vodka before. Thanks to Moonkitty to sell out her Vodka to us..LoL. She taught us how to make a nice drinks with Vodka. Don't forget the important stuff, the Shaker, to mix the drink.

Vodka + Ribena = Excellent! (Vshan's favourite)
Vodka + Green Tea = Excellent! (My favourite)
Vodka + 7 UP = Nice
Vodka + Peach Shandy = So So~
Vodka + Lychee Shandy = So So too~

Junk Food

Ribena, 7 UP, Absolute Vodka and The Shaker

Peach and Lychee Shandy

Moonkitty do the demonstration Vodka + Ribena

That's it! Sweet sweet~

Thanks Moonkitty

Cheers~ Laling 4ver
I'm so fat here.. >.<"'

Moonkitty and MiSs PipO

My Best Friend, Susie. Only a glass her face red like tomato liao

Susie half drunk and MiSs PipO still steady

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